A. SEBI raids offices and locations of Quant Mutual Fund suspecting front running in its schemes. B. Grow an online mutual fund transaction platform for direct investors, committing fraud with its investor. Since yesterday morning these two news are making headlines across electronic and social media channels. Investors are worried how safe are their investments and what should they do now. We have received dozens of calls seeking our views on these news and action points. Lets discuss them one by one and likely impact on your investments. A. SEBI raids Quant Mutual Fund Offices – Quant mutual fund has grown by over 1000 times in last seven odd years from the time they took over Escorts Mutual Fund in 2018. Quant’s assets under management (AUM) stand at over 93,000 crores. Quant practices momentum strategy very aggressively and have been quite successful over last 3-4 years. Peers in most categories lagged performance by a decent margi...
Ajay Sharma, Founder of Investmentmitra is an Air Force Veteran and an Alumnus of IIM Calcutta. He is also President of All Mutual Fund Distributors Welfare Assocaition and a Member on Board of Management of The Sonepat Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. The Blog Here we share our views on economy, markets, politics, events etc. and how they impact our investments. We also share occasionally interesting investment products that we believe are worth considering for investments by the reader.