“It’s important to learn what you need to know But it’s more important to learn what you don’t need to know.” Stock markets absorbs all type of information be it political, social or economical. Many people were expecting markets to react differently following an impressive win of Congress party in Karnataka’s state assembly elections assuming it to be a mandate against the central government’s policies. On the other side there have been so many positive news coming from economy, latest being consumer inflation at 4.7 in April apart from good corporate results, increasing manufacturing activities, capacity utilization, energy consumption, GST collection, impressive growth in vehicles sale etc. Post covid FIIs poured in handsome amount into Indian equities till around March 2021 that resulted in the phenomenal Bull Run before turning cautious and then negative from October 2021 on Indian markets. They remained negative till June 2022 and sinc...

Ajay Sharma, Founder of Investmentmitra is an Air Force Veteran and an Alumnus of IIM Calcutta. He is also President of All Mutual Fund Distributors Welfare Assocaition and a Member on Board of Management of The Sonepat Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. The Blog Here we share our views on economy, markets, politics, events etc. and how they impact our investments. We also share occasionally interesting investment products that we believe are worth considering for investments by the reader.