"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment" - Benjamin Franklin Budget is just ten days away. This will be the last budget before parliament goes into election next year. And as usual there are a lot of expectations as well as speculations about the budget. Looking at the past track record of this government and present world economic situation, we expect this budget to be a budget exploiting the opportunities, providing fiscal accommodation to attract investments into manufacturing and also increase productivity in agriculture sector with some tax concessions. Directly or indirectly this budget should influence employment and spending at lower level. Russia Ukraine war has been running for almost a year now. And all supply socks it caused are factored in to a good extent. Winters in Europe will be over in another one and half months. Post that demand for energy in Eu...

Ajay Sharma, Founder of Investmentmitra is an Air Force Veteran and an Alumnus of IIM Calcutta. He is also President of All Mutual Fund Distributors Welfare Assocaition and a Member on Board of Management of The Sonepat Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. The Blog Here we share our views on economy, markets, politics, events etc. and how they impact our investments. We also share occasionally interesting investment products that we believe are worth considering for investments by the reader.