“There are only two things you can invest – Time & Money. Of the two – Time is more important.” – Robert Kiyosaki Beautiful story of an airbus & a fighter plane I came across today that immediately struck my mind, how similar is this to two traits of investing. Let me tell you the story first: Airbus & the Fighter Plane : An Airbus 380 was on it's way across to its destination. It was flying consistently at 800 km/hr at 30,000 feet, when suddenly a Eurofighter with Tempo Mach 2 appeared. The pilot of the fighter jet slowed down, flying alongside the Airbus and greeted the pilot of the passenger plane by radio: "Airbus, boring flight isn’t it? Now have a look here! He rolls his jet on its back, accelerates, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to a dizzying height and then swoops down almost to sea level in a breathtaking dive. He loops back next to the Airbus and asked, "Well, how was that?" The Airbus pilot answered: "Very impr...

Ajay Sharma, Founder of Investmentmitra is an Air Force Veteran and an Alumnus of IIM Calcutta. He is also President of All Mutual Fund Distributors Welfare Assocaition and a Member on Board of Management of The Sonepat Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. The Blog Here we share our views on economy, markets, politics, events etc. and how they impact our investments. We also share occasionally interesting investment products that we believe are worth considering for investments by the reader.