"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning" – Benjamin Franklin Yesterday the Finance Minister doled out her fifth and the last tranche of the 20Lakh crore economic package to lead the economy out of the current corona crisis and fire its growth engines. PM in his address to the nation on 12 th May had laid lot of emphasis on Self Reliant India. And this package seems to be addressing the same to a good extent. It had almost all the provisions that industry had been asking for quite some time and also a desire to push SMEs on path of growth including micro enterprises. But does it serve the purpose of the moment – we think a lot has been left to be desired. Presently it’s not the question of lack of money with businesses that has put them on the path of degrowth, but the lack of demand or consumption. Now we are in lock-down v4.0 and a lot of activities have been allowed including the sale of goo...

Ajay Sharma, Founder of Investmentmitra is an Air Force Veteran and an Alumnus of IIM Calcutta. He is also President of All Mutual Fund Distributors Welfare Assocaition and a Member on Board of Management of The Sonepat Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. The Blog Here we share our views on economy, markets, politics, events etc. and how they impact our investments. We also share occasionally interesting investment products that we believe are worth considering for investments by the reader.